‘Our sole purpose here is to further the Kingdom’
Dean of Faculty reflects on the impact of your support on students
“I apologize in advance if I have to take a call. We just had a main waterline break.”
So began a recent conversation with Amanda Schwausch, Dean of Faculty at Happy Hill Farm and North Central Texas Academy (NCTA). The conversation took place right at the end of the summer, and the Farm had had its share of issues related to the record temperatures.
“The ground has shifted so much with all the heat that a waterline has broken every week,” Amanda went on to say. “But what keeps me going on harder days is remembering that our sole purpose here is to further the Kingdom. That’s why we’re here.”
Amanda grew up at Happy Hill Farm and attended NCTA from kindergarten through 12th grade. After she graduated, Amanda attended Texas Christian University and majored in political science with the intent of pursuing a career in child advocacy. Amanda then earned her Master of Education and spent several years in a teaching position before she and her family came to serve at NCTA in 2011.
Today, as Dean of Faculty, Amanda brings her experience in education and child advocacy to lead the NCTA educators and staff. She believes care and consistency are essential to success in the classroom and the development of every student.
“We have the same dedicated group of teachers again this year, plus some new staff members. This is a blessing because each of these individuals are invested in our kids and what we do.”

A photo of Daniel holding a trophy after a tournament win.
Daniel is one of the kids being blessed. A resident of Spain, Daniel heard about NCTA from his best friend Erik, who’s been here for a year. Erik had shared the many opportunities he was afforded his first year of high school and had encouraged Daniel to come to NCTA too.
“Daniel is a joy to add to the NCTA family,” Amanda shares. “He’s very respectful, and is also an excellent basketball player. I don’t think I’ve seen him without a smile on his face yet.”
As we concluded our time with Amanda, she talked about why she thinks Daniel is always smiling. She shared…
“Daniel is happy here. But making this a place where kids like him can thrive takes work and it takes resources. Resources like donor support.
“Donor support is the only way we can serve kids like Daniel, take care of our employees, and keep our facilities clean and running well. We are truly a small town and have many mouths to feed and bills to pay. Without donor support none of this is possible.
“Donor support also allows us to focus on more than fulfilling basic needs. It allows us to continue to pour into the kids through education, sports, and the arts, all while sharing about Christ’s love for them.”
Thank YOU for pouring into the students at Happy Hill Farm through your gifts and prayers. God is using you to change lives—today, tomorrow, and for eternity.